
The purpose of this blog is to collect data necessary for a presentation for the end of studies for the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Girona (Catalonia - Spain). This study deals with adaptive diving for the Deaf and Deafblind, and aims to collect data through questionnaires that you will find on the pages of this blog.

Unfortunately, deafness and deaf-blindness are two disabilities that go unnoticed in our society. If we believe that because we don't see or hear, it keeps us from enjoying the wonders of the sea, that is a mistake.

The sea offers endless possibilities and benefits for anyone who decides to dive. The feeling of freedom and independence of movement, peace and grandeur, are examples of that.

The sensation of weightlessness is captivating, as is the perception of plant and animal life, so different from the terrestrial environment.Touch is a great ally when the eye and ear fail

Diving is an singular experience that everyone should have.

Therefore you are encouraged to respond to these questionnaires:

Note: These questionnaires are designed for partners and the secretaries (or presidents) of the Boards for all associations or organizations representing the deaf/deaf-blindness people of the world.
Also to the responsible people of the diving centers / clubs.

Source (Picture): Leopoldo Martínez Hernández (